Friday, 7 March 2014


W.A.L.T: Set smart goals.
For this task we had to think of two goals for camp that we want to achieve. We did this task because we are going to highland home camp next Tuesday. Here is a exsample of one that nic did.
These are my goals.

1.I aim to always learn new things. I have chosen this goal because I like learning new this and also I think that alerting new things are fun.

2.I aim to encouraging people to have a go at activities like if they are scared on the rock climb I want to try and encourage them to have a go.

Here is a link to another exsample on the class blog.
Poutama Rama blog

I achived my first goal always learn new things. I learnt that air rifle bullets go blunt after you used them and will not shoot properly if you try to shoot them agian. I picked this goal because there is so much to learn about and if you are not going to start now then when are you going to start learning? I also picked this goal because if you keep learning the same thing you get nothing out of your work.

I achived my second goal to encourage people. I did this by encouraging Ross to go down the abseiling tower when he was scared and wouldn't go down. I picked this goal because people can get scared when They are doing, some activates but all the team has to do is, encourage them to try again.

Comment: I like how you had some examples of how you  competed your goals 

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