Description:Everyday in the afternoons we have maths. In maths we are learning strategy and multiplication. Sometimes we have workshops. You have to go to your work shops. In our work shops we learn new strategies. When we are not in a workshop we do our strategy maths.We have different stages, I am on stage seven and I am practicing PVP. Then we have multiplication. We have workshops during multiplication time but if you are on a roll then you don't need to go to a workshop. Also if you are not in a workshop then we can do multiplication games.

Big Idea: In this workshop we had four questions to answer. We had to use at least two strategies. For the first one I used PVP or place value portioning. To do this I have split it into a number I know I can divide and what is left of the 176. Then you would go 160/32=5 and remainder 16, but since you can't order half a bus you have to get a extra bus. In the second one I PLAT which is proportional adjustment. I have used it by halfing the 176 into 11 to make the question easier, and the 32 into 2. In the third one I have done R/C or rounding and compensating. I have done this by making into a tidy number then I took away the numbers that I added. Lastly I used a simple algorythm.:)
Feedback/Feedfoword: I think you did well at choosing an efficent strategy for the 2 questions. Next time I think you could explain what you have done better, so your audience no what you have done.
Evaluation: I think I have done a good job by explaining how I used my strategies and explaining my description. Next time I could talk maybe more about multiplication time and also make my big idea not that long.