Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Te Reo Portfolio Sample

Description: This term in te reo we have learning the body parts in Maori. For this task we had to create some kind of presentation showing the Maori body parts, chooses who our audience was. We choose to make a puppet pals for five year olds.

This is our movie.
Big Idea: We learnt the body parts by singing a song, making a poster with all the words we could find and also we had the Moari dictionary to help us. In our video we used the words kumu-bum ringa-hand makeawae-hair.

Feedback: I like how you made it for little kids, so they can have life skills with them.
Feedfoward I think you can work on you pronouncation. #Tane

Evaluation: I think that in my movie that we have used a variety of words and not just the simple ones. Next time we could of added a bit more words and make our video a bit longer so at the end we could of added pronunciation.

1 comment:

  1. I like the way you have included the Maori words into a story. I think your audience would really like the story you are telling, you just need to be careful that the learning (Maori body parts) don't get lost in the story. A really good effort and I think you tried hard and did a good job of the pronunciation of the words.
