Friday 18 October 2013

Reflection Of My Week

Reflection of my week.

1 What are my highlights for this week?

My highlights are getting 100 out of 100 in basic facts and also learning where to put my apostrophes and doing athletics.

2 What is something that I learnt?

I learnt my place value and where to put my apostrophes.

3 What is something I didn't do well?

I didn't do well in my writing because I didn't have much speech.

4 What is my goal for next week?

My goal would be to add more speech marks in my writing.

Thursday 17 October 2013

Hands on homework

For hands on homework you had to make a CoLAR mix. For my CoLAR mix I got a dragon template from my Colar mix. Here is my CoLAR mix.